Episode 268 - Seasons in the Sun

Episode 232 · March 2nd, 2019 · 23 mins 50 secs
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About this Episode

It was touching beyond words to attend and witness the Institution of Stu Shelby as Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, Winter Park, FL. Mary was a Presenter, and I had the chance to just take it all in. Sarah Condon preached the sermon, and it was an absolute home run.

The whole affair felt like "Mockingbird Embodied"; and the message of God's Grace in Christ was utterly tangible and fully fleshed. For me and Mary, this was a high point of our life in Florida.

So I thought about "seasons" in one's life. The word's a little over used -- sort of like "conversation" -- but there is still something to it. Stu and Sarah, and Josh and Crissy, and Dave and Cate, and many, many others we know, are right in the middle of life, of engagement. They are on the front lines of ministry, service, and witness.

Yours truly, on the other hand, is more on the margins. One can't help this for it is a part of aging. Nevertheless, one can give, and serve, in a different way.

Think about Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets. They are just about to release a new album, "Love Starvation", and the early notices are raves. They are all now older versions of themselves, but still... themselves. Or Steve Perry. His recent album, "Traces", got a few complaints concerning the timbre and range of his voice. But listen to it: the emotion of his Journey songs is right there! The heart of his Journey songs is right there! He is right there.

The same is true of you as you "grow in grace and you grow in years". You're the same but you're in a new season. That season has different doors and different possibilities. But you're not regressing! You're deepening.