Episode 342 - Strange Conflict

Episode 306 · December 13th, 2022 · 25 mins 33 secs

About this Episode

Herein is a degree of pushing-the-envelope that I hope may speak to you, dear Listener.

One was struck recently when someone announced, "Your problem's been solved". "Come again?", I said. He added, "Your problem's been solved on the astral plane."

Well, normally, that would not have computed. Or at least one's jaw would have dropped. But I did remember Strange Conflict, and the effect that novel had had on me just a few years ago. You remember Strange Conflict. Dennis Wheatley wrote it during the Blitz and published it at the height of WWII. It concerns a French mystic who confounds the Nazis by ascending, during his sleep, to "the astral plane" of consciousness, where he is able to observe and investigate the 'soul'-lives of the people around him. 'Le Duc de Richleau' is able, on the astral plane, to discover the source of the espionage by which English shipping lanes are being betrayed to Nazi submarines. It is a terrific book.

I hadn't realized, though, that I'd sort of become a character in it.

When my mystical friend informed me that my problem had been solved on the astral plane, I was both surprised, encouraged, and mystified. It turned out to be true! I found this out in my dreams subsequent to his announcement. You'll see. Listen to the cast and you'll see.

I told you I would push the envelope. "No Regrets" (Edith Piaf).

Episode 242 of PZ's podcast is dedicated to Paul Walker, who is in the top 5 Episcopal clergy of the 21st Century.