Episode 374 - The Girl I Married (TZ 1987)

Episode 338 · December 29th, 2023 · 23 mins 42 secs

About this Episode

On December 29th, 2023 Mary and I have been married exactly 50 years.

What a marker for us! (I truly feel it and celebrate it.)

This marker-episode concerns the primacy of individual belovedness over any and everything else, including career and professional achievement. This primacy becomes instantly apparent whenever you get sick, or find yourself in the neighborhood of death, or experience a catastrophic fall from perceived security.

The cast goes on to echo Meister Eckhart's enduring maxim, that "If you cannot find God, go back to where you lost Him." Or, in everyday experience, If you cannot find belovedness in the marriage you have, go back to the point in time when you did have it, when you did feel it. That works in life-long marriage, and every time!

Finally I give a brief synopsis of Mary's and my own marriage, of 50 years, from its "Peter Pan's Ride" beginning, to the "Pallisers Theme" return-to-basics. I sure hope you like this.

Podcast 374 is dedicated to Mary Cappleman Zahl, the Girl I Married.