Episode 392 - Garden of Eden

Episode 356 · August 27th, 2024 · 24 mins 30 secs

About this Episode

Mockingbirder Joey Goodall recently composed a public note of praise for 'PZ's Podcast', and his very act motivated this caster to record a new one. Joey's approbation instantly created within me the desire to put some fresh thoughts out there. Instantly!

That's the way love works -- which is to say, "We love" (i.e., embody the fruit of outreach to others) "because He first loved us" (i.e., embodied one-way Love in our direction). Herr Goodall's endorsement instantly and spontaneously birthed the effect of my immediate response.

Today's cast begins as an appreciation of a Joe Meek track from the days (in 1957) when he was not a record producer but just a lowly engineer. Yet even then, Joe was so possessed and inspired by Genius that his hand is all over this track. (You'll hear what I'm talking about. It comes in the last 30 seconds.)

But my Joe Meek appreciation is just a set-up to what I really wish to say, for the cast is really about Prior Love (Stevie Winwood, 1986)! The cast concerns the Center of Christianity, God's one-way love for us confused and seduced racketeers. Oh, and that is not one of three or four key affirmations. No, it is The Center of everything. It stimulates other ideas and other principles and other consanguine affirmations. But it is the Center.

Moreover, it is uniquely presented by -- are you ready? -- by the clumsy character named 'Ginnie Moorehead' in the movie Some Came Running (1958). Shirley MacLaine plays her. And 'Ginnie' oddly but perfectly embodies the sure and true character of One-Way Love. Which is anchored in Christ's Love. It's not a stretch.

Today's podcast is dedicated to David Babikow.