PZ's Podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
361 episodes of PZ's Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 4th, 2010.
Episode 256 - My Antediluvian Baby
August 15th, 2018 | 21 mins 35 secs
Donovan's odd and brilliant song from 1970 entitled "Atlantis" is a good example of what PZ's Podcast is all about.
Episode 255 - The Letter
July 31st, 2018 | 21 mins 30 secs
Pastorally -- and generally -- it is easy to miss the core of what's going on with a person in pain. You may see some symptoms -- tho' sometimes even the symptoms are hidden -- and may sub-rationally understand that something bad is taking place under the surface. But when it comes to the "Heart of Darkness" inside a sufferer, it may be very hard to fathom and to surface.
Episode 254 - Tupper
July 30th, 2018 | 20 mins 18 secs
Life's a wholly engaged existential search for God, and it's quite dangerous, because "in the dark", which is life in the world, you can think you've found it but you haven't.
Episode 253 - Facing the Cannons (NOT!)
July 23rd, 2018 | 20 mins 53 secs
Shibboleth's are often true in part. Maxims are true in part. But they are never, or at least rarely, wholly true. One such maxim is a current fashionable imperative, Face the Cannons.
Episode 252 - Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life
July 19th, 2018 | 25 mins 22 secs
"When we encounter the words of Jesus in history, we do not judge them by a philosophical system with reference to their rational validity; they meet us with the question of how we are to interpret our own mode of existence. That we ourselves be deeply disturbed by the problem of our own life is the indispensable condition of our inquiry."
Episode 251 - The Spider and the Fly
July 4th, 2018 | 22 mins 50 secs
There is little in 20th Century theater to rival the third redemptive act of "Johnson over Jordan", except maybe "A Christmas Carol" from the century before.
Episode 250 - Bells Are Ringing
June 21st, 2018 | 22 mins 57 secs
This is a short riposte to the politicization of basically everything just now; but not in the way of taking sides, but rather in the way of digging deeper.
Episode 249 - Sanctification (Is Making Me Late)
June 3rd, 2018 | 22 mins 50 secs
The moment we begin to think we have it, or have made it, it is completely nullified. In other words, the only actual sanctification at which one ever arrives is un-self-conscious.
Episode 248 - Dead Reckoning
May 25th, 2018 | 24 mins 10 secs
Pastoral experience in hospital pre-op units provides abundant evidence for the existence of the soul.
Episode 247 - Shoe Horn
May 11th, 2018 | 22 mins 54 secs
People are constantly trying to shoe horn their search for God into containers too tight for the Object of the search.
Episode 246 - Welcome to the Club
May 2nd, 2018 | 24 mins 38 secs
One of the best things about the recent Mockingbird conference in NYC was its unerring focus on universals and primary factors in human destiny and identity, rather than on contingencies and elements in life that do not endure, but pass away.
Episode 245 - How U Break a Soul-Tie
April 22nd, 2018 | 23 mins 29 secs
Well, the short answer, tho' not the whole answer, is: you can't. But one thing I can say. And mean it! "Once I was blind, now I see."
Episode 244 - Soul-Tie
April 9th, 2018 | 25 mins 11 secs
This cast is a kind of summation of my thinking about romantic love in its relation to one's soul's salvation.
Episode 243 - Hitchcock Railway
March 23rd, 2018 | 21 mins 24 secs
Have you been struck by the comments concerning the Austin bomber in which people near and dear to the young man say they saw no signs or external evidence of any kind that he was thinking about doing this, or about anything, for that matter, out of the ordinary, let alone murderous?
Episode 242 - Bay of Angels
March 15th, 2018 | 18 mins 57 secs
I'm always surprised when proponents of One Way Love fail to apply it in concrete cases.
Episode 241 - Urgent
January 30th, 2018 | 25 mins 16 secs
It's not that the human condition is hopeless. With God it is never hopeless. But without God, yes, the human condition is hopeless.