PZ's Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

352 episodes of PZ's Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 4th, 2010.

  • Episode 375 - New Morning

    January 1st, 2024  |  21 mins 2 secs

    The Truth of life lies in every case under the surface of the world. What you see, and even what you think you want to see, is not the Lasting Thing. Ultimately, what God is doing is different from what we think is going on.

  • Episode 374 - The Girl I Married (TZ 1987)

    December 29th, 2023  |  23 mins 42 secs

    On December 29th, 2023 Mary and I have been married exactly 50 years. This marker-episode concerns the primacy of individual belovedness over any and everything else, including career and professional achievement.

  • Episode 373 - “Everybody’s Talkin’” — NOT!

    December 17th, 2023  |  20 mins 34 secs

    Bishop Colin Buchanan died November 29th in Leeds Infirmary, and there’s been almost no coverage of it. Astonishing! This podcast is a reflection on the anonymity of death. And, believe it or not, this is a Christmas podcast!

  • Episode 372 - We've Only Just Begun

    December 4th, 2023  |  20 mins 6 secs

    This Christmas podcast is in honor of Mary's and my 50th Anniversary, which comes on December 29th. She and I are both in thankful awe of having made it thus far. And happily! To me this is worth celebrating. The cast sets out two requirements, or better, signs, as I see it, for an enduring marriage.

  • Episode 371 - At the Earth's Core

    December 3rd, 2023  |  17 mins 43 secs

    There's newness to be found at the center of the earth -- our earth, our core. This is the heart of the Christian Faith. God will always speak to beleaguered humans, but rarely until we get to the earth's core.

  • Episode 370 - Serling's Miracle, and Ours

    November 16th, 2023  |  18 mins

    When I survey the world as it's currently going, it's hard not to despair. So many things seem and feel wrong -- are wrong. Providentially (as I see it), I've been directed back to Rod Serling. Rod Serling has given me new hope today as I look out on the world.

  • Episode 369 - Don't You Care

    November 1st, 2023  |  23 mins 15 secs

    God spoke to me recently. Not through a mediated form -- albeit it was through another human being. Not through concept nor reading nor paradox nor metaphor nor memory. But right Here and Now! This podcast gives the outline of what happened.

  • Episode 368 - Straining Out Gnats and...

    October 20th, 2023  |  21 mins 22 secs

    The point of this cast is to look at the "camel" that you're really needing and trying -- unsuccessfully, for sure -- to swallow (i.e., digest/assimilate) in relation to the ten thousand gnats that you actually spend your time ... processing.

  • Episode 367 - "Summer of '42"

    October 10th, 2023  |  23 mins 26 secs

    This podcast observes the power of personal rejection but, more importantly, the power of personal acceptance.

  • Episode 366 - Our Movie

    September 6th, 2023  |  19 mins 27 secs

    In the cast I talk about soul and body, true self and false self, physical life and physical death: the promise of these things and the limitations of at least three of them.

  • Episode 365 - The Whole Loaf

    August 14th, 2023  |  22 mins 53 secs

    Part of the Loaf can be very good. But the Whole Loaf is better.

  • Episode 364 - How to Survive Being in Full Time Ministry

    July 7th, 2023  |  22 mins 44 secs

    Serving in full time ministry is as stress-full as any occupation can be. I can't prescribe a way-of-being or way-of-doing to help you. But I can describe what I have seen that works.

  • Episode 363 - In Quintessence

    July 6th, 2023  |  20 mins 10 secs

    The quintessence of one's continuing love of popular culture that embodies heart-to-heart communication is the subject of this cast. What makes a work of popular art "Christian"? Does it have to be explicit to qualify? Or implicit -- and therefore under the radar -- to really qualify?

  • Episode 362 - Midsummer Night's Dream

    June 27th, 2023  |  17 mins 30 secs
  • Episode 361 - Outer Limits

    May 17th, 2023  |  14 mins 58 secs

    Verticality is a make-or-break attribute of the Christian Church. When we put horizontality before verticality, we run out of gas. Always. People cannot "keep up" horizontal good works and outreach if they are not being, as the English say, resourced.

  • Episode 360 - Outta Gear

    May 13th, 2023  |  23 mins 38 secs

    I think we probably all need to get "outta gear", at least to some extent.